failure rate

[ˈfeɪljə(r) reɪt]
  • 释义
  • 失效率,误失率;故障率;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    When the patient is suffered from autonomic failure , rate turbulence is blunted or abolished.


  • 2、

    If the tubes remain blocked, the failure rate should be similar to surgical tubal ligation.

    若输卵管保持封闭, 失败率应该和输卵管结扎相似.

  • 3、

    Among the many years of operation, energy saving equipment failure rate is low, stable good.

    在多年的运行当中, 节能设备故障率低, 运行平稳良好.

  • 4、

    Electromotion leaving tremendous pressure mechanism is simple in structure, the failure rate is relatively low.

    电动离台压机构最大特点是结构简单, 故障率比较低.

  • 5、

    Grey theory is applied to construct the model of locomotive failure rate of electric locomotive.


  • 6、

    In the mechanical games domain, the acceptable hardware failure rate most is high is 3 %.

    在游戏机领域, 可接受的硬件故障率最高为3%.

  • 7、

    And pointsthat the periodic maintenance is great helpful to reduce the failure rate of CT.


  • 8、

    And those failed fixing in that position had a 50 % failure rate.


  • 9、

    The technical proposal adopts fewer elements, and has low failure rate and cost.

    本技术方案采用的元件少, 故障率低,成本低.

  • 10、

    Netbooks have a roughly 20 percent higher failure rate due to hardware malfunctions than standard laptops.


  • 11、

    What I'm saying is that they were looking at the failure rate of students.


  • 12、

    Meanwhile treatment outcome and a higher treatment failure rate were noted in the DMTB group.


  • 13、

    Accompanied with the high frequency of M & A deals , failure rate is always high.

    伴随着企业 并购 的高发生率, 高失败率同样成为并购的典型特征.

  • 14、

    MLM Network Marketings Why Failure Rate Is so High?


  • 15、

    A total of 13,706 patients attempted VBAC, with a failure rate of 24.5 %.

    结果:共有13706名患者接受了vbac, 其中失败率为24.5%.

  • 16、

    And they are to operate , running smoothly with low failure rate.


  • 17、

    Hollow shaft pedal has advantages of less components, compact structure and less failure rate.

    空心轴脚蹬零件数少, 结构紧凑,故障率小.

  • 18、

    Thereby ensuring whole operational stability, reliability and low failure rate and high accuracy.

    从而保证了整机的运行稳定 、 可靠、故障率低、精度高.

  • 19、

    This failure rate is attributed to many things, including poor marketing, poor management and poor planning.

    其失败可归结于许多因素, 包括匮乏的市场 、 薄弱的管理和苍白的计划.

  • 20、

    It adopts imported components from Europe. AmericaJapan with low failure rate long service life.

    采用欧、美、日进口零部件, 故障率极低,使用寿命长.

  • 21、

    Production efficiency, no failure rate and rate of qualified products have reached advanced domestic level.

    生产效率 、 无故障率和产品合格率方面均达到国内先进水平.

  • 22、

    And those failed in fixing in that position had 50 % failure rate.


  • 23、

    The thesis puts forward the method to process the data and count the failure rate.


  • 24、

    Assume auditor expects a control procedure failure rate of 0.5 percent.


  • 25、

    No matter how much I try, I always a failure rate of 70 percent.

    不管我努力了多少, 我的失败率总是会有70%.

  • 26、

    If you want to succeed, double your failure rate.

    如果你想成功, 就把你的失败率提高一倍吧.

  • 27、

    Moreover, we try to give the approximate confident interval of failure rate for this test.

    本文试图获得总试验次数的渐进正态分布, 从而给出失效率的近似置信区间.

  • 28、

    The hierarchical prior distribution of failure rate was determined based on reliability acceptance test data.


  • 29、

    The failure rate on the bar exam is discouragingly high.


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